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How do I edit the items in the cart? I've never had trouble before. Yesterday, I put several items into the shopping cart but did not submit the order because I wasn't finished ordering. Today, I went to edit the items in the Cart, but I am unable to. The Cart shows 6 items, but when I attempt to edit items, the program does not allow me to and shows an empty cart. I will call tomorrow at 12 noon- as the website states you are open Friday. Should I empty the cart and start over? This is a time-sensitive order.

Please go to View Cart and there you can see the EDIT button to Edit. Following is the link to the view cart page: https://www.santaandme.ca/checkout/cart/ Here is a screenshot, if your using a mobile device with small screen you might have to change the orientation(vertical to horizontal) to see all the buttons.
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