We try our best to satisfy our customers to their specific needs, please send us an eMail and confirm with us if the customization is possible.
After we confirm that the customization is doable, please add your request in the notes section of the ...
How do I place an order using Check/Money Order?
You can send in your order by selecting "Check/Money Order" as a payment method. After placing an order, you will get your order# on the final page on our website, and via eMail. Please send in your check/money order and print/write your order# on it...
How do I change the shipping/billing address?
Login to your account by clicking on "My Account" and then enter your account eMail and password (If you have not done it yet). Once logged in, click on "My Address Book". Here you can either EDIT, ADD or DELETE addresses.
If you still have...
How do I edit the items in the cart? I've never had trouble before.
Yesterday, I put several items into the shopping cart but did not submit the order because I wasn't finished ordering. Today, I went to edit the items in the Cart, but I am unable to. The Cart shows 6 items, but when I attempt to edit items, the program does not allow me to and shows an empty cart. I will call tomorrow at 12 noon- as the website states you are open Friday.
Should I empty the cart and start over? This is a time-sensitive order.
Please go to View Cart and there you can see the EDIT button to Edit.
Why doesn't Santa & Me® take phone orders?
We prefer not to take phone orders, due to personalizing that needs to be done. In certain situations we can take phone orders.
Try to refresh your browser by "Reload this page" pressing the F5 key within the browser will refresh. You can also try using different browser or you can try using the private browsing mode. You can also try using a different device. Hope it helps!
How do I place an order using an eMail Transfer?
You can select an "eMail Transfer" as your payment method. After placing an order, you will get your order# on the final page on our website, and via eMail. Please send in your eMail Transfer to sales@santaandme.ca and add your order# in the notes section...
The site won’t let me change the shipping address to be different than the mailing. How can I do this ?
Please check out with any address and in the notes area (on the payment page) please enter your correct address. We will fix it for you.
Is your website secure?
You should be able to see the SECURE box or padlock in the address bar (before it reads https://www.santaandme.ca) which means that the data between you and us is encrypted. Please feel free to visit our Privacy...
Please, mind that only logged in users can submit questions